Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-03-19. Stop mass mRNA. Gates buys them all. Wolf: Reached ‘Step Ten’ of 10 Steps to Fascism

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Canadian Doctors Speak Out Against Government COVID Restrictions: Masks and Vaccines Not Needed! (link).

‘According to their press release:’

‘“The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit collaboration of medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners from across Canada whose common goal is to protect the rights of our patients to access the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice, and autonomy through informed consent’.

‘“Our goal is to halt the misuse of power by politicized public health “experts” currently being conveyed through damaging COVID-19 public health policies that are destroying Canadian society and the health of Canadians.”’

Here is what they are demanding be stopped immediately:’

We call on all levels of government to immediately stop promoting the following measures:’

‘· Lockdowns and physical distancing

· Promoting the use of masks

· Handwashing and cleaning surfaces with toxic disinfectants

· Quarantines of asymptomatic people and social isolation

· Using RT-PCR ‘testing’ on people

· Advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying COVID-19 vaccinations (insufficient human and animal trials)

· Unnecessary COVID-19 policies at hospitals and other health care facilities

· Business closures or restrictions

· Restrictions on churches and places of worship

· Closures of public facilities including schools, playgrounds, parks and recreational facilities

· Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media

· The use of fear and other psychological coercion techniques’

UK Column News – 19th March 2021. PHE: The vaccine does not give you a pass, even if you have had it, you must continue to follow all the guidelines – the farce continues. France is suffering a third wave of case driven case-demic – the farce continues. These ‘vaccines’ do not provide immunity according to the manufacturers. Geert Vanden Bossche: Lockdowns were a bad idea; It was a mistake not to study the virus more before launching the interventions; Young people’s exposure to coronavirus will boost their natural immunity; Natural, innate immunity provides broad protection (against coronavirus), immunising someone is like installing software on a computer; These vaccines don’t prevent infections, don’t use the wrong vaccine on millions of people; Of course, when a new virus gets into a population, it immediately gets to the folks that have weak immunity; [Are the current vaccines] the right weapon for the kind of war that is going on right now? My answer is definitely no; Because these are prophylactic vaccines and prophylactic vaccines should typically not be administered to people who are exposed to high infectious pressure; The key question is: why does nobody seem to bother about immune escape? Every time you have an immune response that is suboptimal in the response of an infection, in the presence of a virus, that infected person, you are at risk of immune escape; So that means that the virus can escape the immune response … I mean, that wouldn’t matter if you can eradicate a virus, if you can prevent infection, but these vaccines don’t prevent infection. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche vs Rosemary Frei agree on: mass vaccinations must be stopped now and natural immunity provides the best defense against coronavirus. Orwellian: Vaccination = Freedom (website, youtube, bitchute, odysee).

Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Predicts Mass Genocide (Video) (link).

‘We told you.  We warned you.  The media and social media giants attacked us.  They defamed us.  They even defrauded us and our health and wellness expert was thrown in jail for telling you the truth, but not a former Bill and Melinda Gates scientist has called it quits and is predicting mass genocide from the experimental mRNA injections’.

‘Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, former Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Senior Program Officer in Vaccine Discovery, former Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German equivalent of the CDC, and university professor released an open letter to the scientific community warning that the present mass vaccination program may “wipe out large parts of our human population.”’

FACT: Bill Gates Finances, Influences Nearly Every Major Institution Driving the ‘Global Pandemic’ Narrative (link).

At what point is a coincidence no longer just a coincidence?

‘Whether its with generation grant funding for London’s Imperial College (Neil Ferguson’s employer), the London School of Hygiene (Chris Whitty’s former employer), or America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC), or Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), The Wellcome Trust, GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization – there’s one common denominator behind the scenes financing and exerting influence and control over all of these institutions which have been driving the ‘global pandemic’ narrative from day one of the crisis’.

‘The answer: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’.

‘The notorious monopolist and his wife claim they only want to save the world from various and sundry deadly viruses, but it that really their true motivation? Does their extreme level of wealth provide for a dangerous level of power and influence over ‘global public health’ (a term now synonymous with mass vaccinations, pharmaceutical distribution, and population control)?’

‘Since day one of the crisis, and while half the world were being forced into lockdown over a supposed ‘novel’ coronavirus, Bill Gates has been on mainstream media and YouTube non-stop, advocating for even more draconian lockdowns, business closures, school closures, mandatory masks, and demanding public compliance for an unprecedented mass vaccination campaign, as well as pushing for the adoption of new Digital ID-Vaccine Passports to restrict movement of the ‘unvaccinated’ and to track & trace the world’s population’.

‘At this point, to say that this man is not driving a global agenda is patently ridiculous’.

‘In October 2019, right before the COVID outbreak – in one of the greatest coincidences in world history, Bill Gates and other powerful stakeholders currently administering and profiting from the ‘global pandemic’ – ran a massive ‘table-top’ simulation of a worldwide pandemic, featuring a deadly coronavirus. It was called known “Event 201.” Watch:

‘Seeing that this man has positioned himself as the number one driver of global public health’ policy, at some point he should be interrogated in a public forum about all of his financial interests, as well as his ideological beliefs and interests’.

Naomi Wolf: We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism (link).

Isle of Wight hotel owner threatened with £22,000 fine by ludicrous council tyranny unless he removes social media posts which he wont. The Isle of Wight – lovely place but run by monumental idiots (and worse) (link, tweet).

Bite me, fascists.

POLICE 👮‍♀️ DISGRACE 🤬 85 Year Old Woman 9.45pm Caution For CUP OF TEA ☕😡 (link).

‘These officers HAVE to be sacked! This is quite appalling. How dare they????’

🚨🚫 Cup of Tea in Garden 🚫🚨 Granny Given Warning (link).

A knock on her door at 9.40pm from 2 coppers & also told her next time she would get a fine. Incredibly creepy and getting some sunshine will boost vitamin D that can help fight infection

FBI Investigating Whether Cuomo Aides Deliberately Reported False Nursing Home Deaths (tweet).

Lawyers Are Suing the WHO for ‘Misleading World Over COVID-19 Outbreak’ (link).

‘Consumer protection trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says agencies ‘knowingly misled governments across the world.’’

‘A group of lawyers is preparing to sue the World Health Organization and some of its partners for allegedly misleading the world over the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak and the measures taken to control it, which they say have damaged livelihoods and caused tremendous harm to economies’.

Valid Claims Natural Remedies Prevent, Treat or Cure Covid-19 Are Now Being Censored by the FDA (link).

‘Regarding Dr. Joe Mercola’s statements, re-produced at, that a number of products at do treat, prevent and cure COVID-19, it needs to be said that such claims are permissible under the law as long as brand names are not identified.  Dr. Mercola made a general blanket statement.  No brands were mentioned’.

‘That the FDA lists on its fraudulent COVID-19 products page as well the Center For Science In The Public Interest issues a veiled threat to remove Mercola’s website where free scientific reports that detail the benefits of vitamins in protecting against all viral infections are posted, represents egregious and unjustified violations of the First Amendment’.

‘There IS current scientific literature that conclusively asserts certain vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, selenium, are beneficial in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and that such information is covered by the first amendment of free speech that Dr. Mercola accurately cites’.

We have featured some arrogant, brainless, narcissistic, moron face-nappy police since all this began, but this bloke in Australia is something else. An extraordinary video about extraordinary behaviour (website, youtube).

Meet the BRAVE government official who QUIT because of Covid response (link).

‘Sanjeev Sabhlok quit the Victorian Government after fifteen years of public service for refusing to remove social media posts calling Victoria a police state’.

BREAKING: German Health Minister admits at the Davos World Economic Forum virtual meeting that they are not willing to stop their Corona-Terror until the entire world popolation’s DNA is mRNA modified and the Great Reset done! (tweet).

Scary! Dr. Fauci Wants to Start Vaccinating Little Babies with the Government’s Coronavirus Vaccine (link).

The risk of dying with Covid-19 reduces the younger someone is so this makes absolutely no sense medically speaking.

LifeSite’s petition against ‘vaccine passports’ goes viral (link).

No more anal probes? Non-invasive skin swabs are enough to quickly detect Covid-19, new study finds (link).

Extended coronavirus lockdowns having severe negative effect on mental health of children – report (link).

Watford man arrested handing out leaflets criticizing U.K. lockdown (link).


We Willingly Gave Up Liberty, Yet Are Shocked to Find Out We Are Less Free. (link).

‘As a nation, we supinely let the Government tear up our ancient liberties for a virus, which we could have dealt with by concentrating resources and efforts on protecting the vulnerable. Instead, the nation was put under house arrest, the vulnerable were not protected’          

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School (link).

“The People vs. Agent Orange” Exposes Long-term Effects from Exposure and How Toxic Herbicides Continue to Be Used Worldwide (link).

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