Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-02-26. Thousands of International Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against W6E6F6 4 COVID lies

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Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam (link).

‘Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum’.

‘In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise’.

‘According to Reiner Fuellmich, all the frauds committed by German companies are derisory compared to the damage that the Covid-19 crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Covid-19 crisis should be renamed the “Covid-19 Scandal” and all those responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal, which has meanwhile turned into the biggest crime against humanity ever committed’.

‘A Covid-19 commission of enquiry has been set up on the initiative of a group of German lawyers with the aim of bringing an international class action lawsuit using Anglo-Saxon law.

Here is the summarized translation of the last communication of Dr. Fuellmich of 15/02/2021:’

‘“The hearings of around 100 internationally renowned scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers, which have been conducted by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have in the meantime shown with a probability close to certainty that the Covid- 19 scandal was at no time a health issue.  Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market share and wealth.”’

Schwab Family Values (link).

‘The most influential group that spurred the creation of Klaus Schwab’s symposium was the Club of Rome, an influential think tank of the scientific and monied elite that mirrors the World Economic Forum in many ways, including in its promotion of a global governance model led by a technocratic elite. The Club had been founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King during a private meeting at a residence owned by the Rockefeller family in Bellagio, Italy’.

‘Among its first accomplishments was a 1972 book entitled “The Limits to Growth” that largely focused on global overpopulation, warning that “if the world’s consumption patterns and population growth continued at the same high rates of the time, the earth would strike its limits within a century.” At the third meeting of the World Economic Forum in 1973, Peccei delivered a speech summarizing the book, which the World Economic Forum website remembers as having been the distinguishing event of this historical meeting. That same year, the Club of Rome would publish a report detailing an “adaptive” model for global governance that would divide the world into ten, inter-connected economic/political regions’.

‘The Club of Rome was long controversial for its obsession with reducing the global population and many of its earlier policies, which critics described as influenced by eugenics and neo-Malthusian. However, in the Club’s infamous 1991 Book, The First Global Revolution, it was argued that such policies could gain popular support if the masses were able to link them with an existential fight against a common enemy’.

‘To that effect, The First Global Revolution contains a passage entitled “The common enemy of humanity is Man”, which states the following:’

‘“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”’

‘In the years since, the elite that populate the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum have frequently argued that population control methods are essential to protecting the environment. It is thus unsurprising that the World Economic Forum would similarly use the issues of climate and environment as a way to market otherwise unpopular policies, such as those of the Great Reset, as necessary’.

Scientists Discover ‘All-Natural’ COVID Treatment That Can Prevent ‘Cytokine Storm’ In Severe Patients (link).

‘A team of scientists from Israel and Iceland has published a new report showing that an extraction of spirulina algae has the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 in advanced cases’.

‘The research, first published in a peer-reviewed journal called Marine Biotechnology, found that an extract of photosynthetically manipulated Spirulina is 70% effective in inhibiting the release of the cytokine TNF-a, a small signaling protein used by the immune system’.

Covid-19 face masks: A potential source of microplastic fibers in the environment (2020 Oct 1, link).

Need for assessing the inhalation of micro(nano)plastic debris shed from masks, respirators, and home-made face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic (link).

Nanofibre health risk quantified (link).

‘Nanofibres, which can be made from a range of materials including carbon, are about 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair and can reach the lung cavity when inhaled’.

‘This may lead to a cancer known as mesothelioma, which is known to be caused by breathing in asbestos fibres, which are similar to nanofibres’.

How damaging is breathing in microplastics? (19 May 2020,link).

‘The presence of microplastics in human lung tissue was already demonstrated in the 1990s by scientists investigating lung tissue of cancer patients, who expressed their concern that plastic fibers may contribute to the risk of lung cancer’.

‘Research showed that plastic particles might persist in the lungs, especially in people with lung disease. When particles would remain in the lungs, they likely stay there for a long time because they are bio-persistent, which could cause inflammation. It also matters how long the fibers are because longer fibers appear to be more damaging’.

‘Particle pollution has long been known to damage lung tissues, leading to cancer, asthma attacks, and other health problems. If inhalation of microplastics is sufficiently high, these plastic particles may cause similar health problems’.

‘Textile workers processing, among others, polyester and nylon fibers, experienced coughing, breathlessness, and reduced lung capacity, suggesting a link between microplastic inhalation and the health problems seen in these workers’.

Bait & Switch: NHS COVID Tracking App to be Used for New Vaccine Passport (link).

Global digital identity is the trojan horse of our time.

UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers (link).

Exclusive: Tony Blair calls on Boris Johnson to lead drive for global vaccine passport (link).

‘The former prime minister called current border restrictions ‘disjointed’ and urged the UK to put a global ‘travel pass’ on the G7 agenda’

My wife needs to have an operation on her spine and she has been told she HAS to have a vaccine and two negative tests. She has underlying conditions but was originally told she shouldn’t have the vaccine as she once had a bad reaction to the swine flu jab. (tweet).

“Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty” – Zero Covid document (link).

In other words, engage in deception.

Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences (link).

Code Review of Ferguson’s Model (10 May 2020, link).

UK Column News – 26th February 2021. No mask, no school. Facemask: a potential source of microplastic fibers in the environment. Need for assessing the inhalation of micro(nano)plastic debris shed from masks, respirators, and home-made face coverings. Nanofibers health risk quantified. How damaging is breathing in microplastics. Global digital identity is the trojan horse. Adverse reactions: Pfizer 77k events and 104 deaths, AstraZeneca 114k events and 205 deaths. No autopsies and none of the usual data is being gathered. BBC propaganda and doublespeak. Zero Covid is impossible. Neil Ferguson is incompetent, incapable and unqualified (website, youtube, bitchute, odysee).

Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test (link).

‘I’m continuing my series exposing the COVID test fraud. [1]’

‘On November 11, 2020—and ignored completely by major media in the US and other countries—the Lisbon, Portugal, Court of Appeal ruled against lockdowns, because they were based on unreliable PCR tests. [2]’

‘The ruling was historic’.

‘The off-guardian covered the story [2]: “Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests ‘Unreliable’ & Quarantines ‘Unlawful’; Important legal decision faces total media blackout in Western world”

‘“Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.”’

‘“In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to several scientific studies. Most notably [a study by Jaafar et al], which found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.”’

‘“The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even fearmonger-in-chief Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.”’

‘The Court was declaring the PCR test alone could not be sufficient for a diagnosis of disease, and it was outrageous to believe it could’.

PCR Testing Saga: Were We Duped? (link).

‘Were federal health officials and experts at WHO really unaware that the recommended high cycle count (CT) for PCR tests would produce an exorbitant number of false positives for COVID?’

‘Story at-a-glance:’

  • Curative offers a PCR test using spit rather than swabs from the back of your nasal cavity. Initially only authorized for use on symptomatic patients, the company has requested the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expand its authorization for use on asymptomatic individuals.
  • According to company data, the spit test accurately identifies about 90% of positive cases when compared against a nasopharyngeal PCR test set to 35 cycle threshold (CT).
  • According to the FDA, that comparative CT is too low, and will produce too many false negatives. This, despite the scientific consensus, which states anything over 35 CTs is scientifically unjustifiable as it produces enormous amounts of false positives.
  • According to an April 2020 study, a CT of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed real positives. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically. At 33 cycles, the false positive rate is 80%. Beyond 34 cycles, the false positive rate reaches 100%.
  • Because the PCR test cannot discern between live virus and dead, noninfectious viral debris, the timing of the test is important. Recent research shows the median time from symptom onset to viral clearance confirmed by viral culture is seven days, whereas the PCR test continues to detect nonviable (noninfectious) SARS-CoV-2 for a median of 34 days.

Just five days after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, perfectly healthy 28-year-old health care worker and mom of a young boy, Sara Stickles had what appeared to be an aneurysm, and died several days later. Her family is now warning people about the vaccine. (tweet).

Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness (link).

Scientists: Vaccination Before Every Vacation May Be Needed (link).

‘Carlo urged that we “survived the 20th century because our forebearers gave up their lives for freedom. Today, some are willing to give up their freedom for just about anything.”

Global airline industry body to launch Covid ‘travel pass’ by March (link).

Male Infertility Threatening ‘Future of Human Race’ – exactly what I have been warning about for decades as the procreating human race is phased out (see war on men) for synthetic human 2.0 (see ‘Covid’ DNA-manipulating ‘vaccine’) (link, link).

More People Than Ever Distrust Media Disinformation So of Course the Press Lies to Themselves as to Why (link).

Rishi Washy Billionaire 💰 Wife £100,000 Furlough Shame 🤬 (link).

The British taxpayer being taken for an absolute mug.

Man stands outside shop with lint roller and ‘scans’ people – not one of them questioned it. This is how the few control the world – the few have descended into software programs … baa, baa, press enter … (website, tweet).

Texas official issues ‘peace’ warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president’s trip (link).

‘The warrant for Mr. Biden accuses him of “mandatory allowed entry of illegal criminal immigrants; threatening illegal confiscation of personal firearms; endangering lives with mask mandates; ordering mandatory vaccinations; creating panic and fear with false pandemic numbers; creating danger with gender regulations in schools against the laws of the state of Texas.”’

‘The warrant for Dr. Fauci, who is generally recognized as the federal government’s top authority on the coronavirus pandemic, claims that he has “endangered lives; creating public fear and panic;” and has engaged in “policies denying medicine needed to fight disease and more.”’

Alex Salmond Annihilates Crooked Krankie & SNP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Opening Monologue (link).

‘She’s doomed if ANY of this is true…’

Fed Investigating Massive Outage Of Its Interbank Payment System (link).

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