Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-01-04. Liberty Or Face-Diaper. Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner. Expose genome 4 SARSCov2 – get silenced

Great Barrington Declaration – Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist, Dr.Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician,epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert (link).

Quinn: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me A Face-Diaper (link).

‘We were going to enjoy our unmasked walk no matter how many compliant sheep we had to pass. Lone bikers, near no one, were masked. Lone joggers were masked. One jogger would pull up her mask when she passed someone and then pull it down after passing. Little kids were masked. Mothers, fathers, teens on dates, and young guys were all masked’.

I couldn’t help but think how government school indoctrination had worked wonders on these obedient serfs’.

Austrian Court Overturns Virus Mask Mandate in Schools (link).

‘Two children and their parents had brought the case before the court, saying the measures violated the principles of equality before the law, the right to a private life and the right to education’.

Know your rights (link).

Wow!  The #Police in Spain are rising and joining the citizens, marching against this anti-scientific and frankly outrageous attack on our fundamental freedoms and democratic principles – this is the start: (link, link).

Another solution to lockdowns: The Constitutional lawyers (link).

‘There are a few principles involved in any effort to change the direction of fascist control’.

‘One person alone doing or saying something may have an effect’.

‘Two hundred people—each on his own—doing or saying the same basic thing—will have a significant effect’.

‘Two hundred people—some alone and some together—will have a larger effect’.

‘A person who sees himself as isolated and alone will probably not believe his actions have any effect. So he stays silent. He could have an IQ of 90 or 190; he stays silent’.

‘The primary mistake lockdown opponents are making comes down to: failure to see the bigger picture’.

‘And the big picture is composed of many different individuals and groups taking action of various kinds—which add up to a tsunami of our own, against the wall-to-wall messaging of the lockdown liars and fascists’.

‘I’ve read a great deal of what constitutional lawyers have to say about the lockdowns. I’m not talking about heroic lawyers who are actively filing lawsuits against governments. I mean lawyers who are largely spelling out problems in bringing these cases to court’.

‘Problems having to do with judges, with the intricacies of the law, with past court decisions, with technical issues’.

‘If two hundred of those lawyers instead turned their attention to BASIC constitutional foundations, and published papers and essays and spoke out on THAT subject, we would see a tide beginning to turn in our favor’.

‘Constitutional lawyers are, first and foremost, supposed to understand the underlying meaning and purpose of the Constitution, which takes precedent over minutiae’.

‘If they can’t see the forest for the trees, they should pack up their offices and seek other work’.

‘So let me repeat what I’ve been saying for months. There is a constitutional line that can’t be crossed for ANY reason. A government can’t take away the freedom of citizens because some disaster has occurred’.

‘This goes beyond the question of whether the disaster is real or imagined. It doesn’t matter. Freedom to live, to live out in the open, to work, to do business, to survive, is untouchable’.

‘There are a million ways to spell this out. I challenge constitutional lawyers to DO IT. Not just a few lawyers. MANY. Go to work. Your area of focus is the jackpot of all legal focuses: the Constitution itself, why it is there, what it means, what it is FOR’.

‘What are you waiting for? The sky to collapse?’

‘Why aren’t 200 or 5000 of you turning into tigers?’

‘Are you trying to prove to doomsayers that they’re right and we’re all irretrievably going down the drain?’

‘Is that your final response to the constitutional crisis we’re facing?’

‘Is the measure of your worth the amount of dilly-dallying you can perform on the minutiae surrounding the eternal struggle for FREEDOM?’

‘Realize that if a few hundred of you publish and speak out, you can have an enormous effect’.

‘I understand that some of you know very little about gaining publicity for your views. I do know something about gaining publicity for the truth. If a group of 20 of you comes to me, I will give you what I can to help you achieve visibility’.

‘Turn your attention to writing and speaking on behalf of the people, instead of the media and your colleagues. Come to grips with what first inspired you to study the founding documents of the Republic—before the practicalities of your profession turned you into…’

‘Whatever you are now’.

‘If you think I’m being unduly harsh on you, take a look at the economic and political landscape. Look at the devastation. Ask yourself under what banner this tyrannical operation marches. And what it is doing to people’.

‘Everyone speaks of “culture” these days. Well, you constitutional lawyers can influence the culture directly. You can make a heroic stand. You can make your words have fire, just as the words of Paine and John Adams and Samuel Adams ignited minds, when it counted’.

‘Be heroes, not clerks’.

When respected Scientists resign over the false narrative… Take notice… and thank them. Google Translated Letter from Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner, Department of Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Sigwartstrasse 10, D-72076 Tuebingen Germany (link).

Dear colleagues,

It was with the greatest astonishment, deepest concern, and indeed bewilderment, that I took note of the “7th ad hoc statement” from the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina on December 8th, 2020.

In my opinion, this paper is not worthy of an honest, critical- (link)

weighing science oriented towards the service and well-being of man. I do not have any medical expertise. However, as a scientist committed to nothing but the pure truth, I take the liberty of speaking up. I feel very alarmed by several points: (link)

1. On November 27, 2020, a group of 22 internationally recognized experts presented the following report on the PCR test, the linchpin of the “pandemic”, for the Eurosurveillance magazine: (link)

“External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results”. Quote: “This highly questions the scientific validity of the test”. (link)

Also the serious remark: “Serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not mentioned ” (… c6Fo_YWjHQdBtB6PxVa1jGzdSo7ApI). (link)

2. The PCR test is the basis for justifying the declaration of a “pandemic”, and RKI, politics and the media report the positive test results as so-called “new infections” on a daily basis. According to the 22 independent experts, the test contains ” (link)

several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws”. It is clearly stated:”the test (is) unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection”. (link)

Isn’t it obvious that there is an extremely serious problem here that should actually shake the entire “pandemic”? For me it is incomprehensible why neither the Leopoldina nor other academies include this well-founded report and request or initiate a further, (link)

thorough and scientifically clear clarification.

3. Based on this “pandemic”, justified by an at least very questionable test, a global vaccination campaign is now to be started on an unprecedented scale; and that with unprecedented vaccines – (link)

that have been developed at an unprecedented http://speed.In view of the first reported serious side effects and after warnings from well-known experts, it becomes clear that the completely new RNA vaccines have by far not been adequately tested, especially with regard to (link)

long-term effects.

Why are the academies silent on such existential questions? (link)

4. Problematic aspects of the Leopoldina statement are even named by the “Welt” in a devastating analysis (…/Angela-Merkel-und-das-Leopoldina- Desaster.html).

Quote: “The damage done by science officials is immense”. (link)

5. Incidentally, there are currently several statements by medical practitioners that are diametrically opposed to the Leopoldina paper. E.g. the chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Prof. Gassen, (link)

that the now ordered hard lockdown will fail (…/kassenaerzte-chef… li.126568). The infectiologist Prof. Schrappe explains the entire lockdown policy for finally failed (…/matthias-schrappe-im-focus… – vaccination_id_12780854.html). (link)

6. I had hoped that the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, as an important sister organization of the National Academy of Sciences, would comment critically on the Leopoldina statement. Unfortunately, this has not yet happened. Aren’t the academies the guardians of pure (link)

science and also of the freedom of science?

Aren’t the venerable academies particularly challenged in a science landscape that is increasingly influenced by third-party funding and the massive influence of powerful lobby interests (e.g. the pharmaceutical industry)? (link)

Is it really the job of an academy like the Leopoldina to fuel the scare tactics of the media and politics? (link)

7. Where is the previously common broad discourse with a balanced appreciation of the sometimes very contradicting statements made by scientists and doctors from various disciplines, lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, economists and philosophers? (link)

Why is there no reaction from the academies when, in the last few months, voices from recognized experts (often of international standing) who articulate an assessment that deviates from the standard narrative, sometimes diametrically contradicting it, are ignored, marginalized, (link)

even defamed, censored , and deleted on social media?

Why not a reaction from the academies when the constitutional right to freedom of science and freedom of expression, as well as other fundamental rights, are trampled underfoot? Has Germany learned nothing from history? (link)

After the governments, when imposing a new “hard lockdown”, referred to this, in my opinion fatal paper of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as on the basis of the points listed above, I decided after careful consideration to take the certainly unusual step, (link)

as an expression of my personal protest to resign from the Academy of Sciences in Mainz.

I can’t reconcile with my conscience being a part of this type of science. I want to serve a science that is committed to fact-based honesty, balanced transparency, and comprehensive humanity (link)

German professor resigns from Academy of Sciences in protest at ignoring the fundamental and scientifically documented flaws in the PCR test which is driving the fake cases used to justify lockdown – his resignation statement is posted in this Twitter thread. As I have been saying since March – the manipulation of the PCR test is the whole foundation of the ‘Covid-19’ scam (link).

EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH UK MHRA – Exposing the genomic sequence of SARSCov2 (link, link).

‘When I read the Wuhan study in Feb 2020 I was mortified by the monkey kidney & foetal cell-lines which were used as a “culture” before rt-PCR amplification. Isolation was never satisfactory at any stage thereafter’.

‘I honestly felt sick’.

‘The genome sequence was computed from this’.

‘I set about proving that the vaccine has been created from a computer generated genomic sequence & not one isolated from an infected person, either in Wuhan or anywhere else in the world since’.

‘The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine was approved by UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) & I initiated a polite exchange of emails with them as follows…’


UK Column News – 4th January 2021. City of London police to an independent journalist outside Julian Assange court hearing: you’re not allowed to say that. Witchcraft from SAGE but not really good witchcraft. Only 50 new cases for the week 2020/51 according to PHE statutory notifications of infectious diseases vs terminally flawed PCR test (link, link, link).

Severe -critical patient -if you check same patient for another infection you will find the vitamin D deficiency. It is not new ……. (link).

“Vitamin D insufficiency was present in 93.1% of the patients with severe-critical COVID-19.” (in Turkey) (link).

Matt Hancock wrongly claims study said vitamin D had no effect on coronavirus (2 Oct 2020, link).

‘Ministers are said to be reconsidering the use of vitamin D in tackling coronavirus after Matt Hancock wrongly claimed it had been proven to be ineffective in a Government-funded study’.

‘The health secretary told the House of Commons last week that a ‘trial’ investigating vitamin D had taken place, and that it did not ‘appear to have any impact’ on the effects of Covid-19. But officials have since admitted that no clinical trials on the vitamin have been carried out at all’.

‘Yesterday, Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran said Mr Hancock should ‘get his facts straight’. Experts have pointed to growing evidence suggesting the vitamin could have an impact on how badly people who catch the virus suffer’.

‘Experts have for months been calling for officials to look into the nutrient after research from around the world showed a link between coronavirus and vitamin D deficiency in patients’.

‘According to national surveys, roughly one in five people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D — the equivalent of 13 million Brits. This rate jumps to 90% when looking at people with darker skin, such as BAME populations who are known to be at greater risk from coronavirus’.

NHS Nightingale decommissioned! Did @MattHancock deliberately mislead MPs & on media yesterday? It’s not on standby, nor being readied. NHS media now confirmed its been dispersed. Why did he let it go, given his 2nd wave worries? Shocking waste taxpayers cash. (link).

Breaking: UK Govt’s OWN NUMBERS Expose Their COVID19 Fraud! (link).

‘The mainstream media claims more than 50,000 Brits have died ‘with‘ COVID19. But official government data proves only 13,844 people were actually infected by the disease in the whole of 2020’.

‘The official hard evidence provided below is inescapable. Ministers had this data all along and lied. It proves the political class are knowingly wrecking the UK economy as well as the livelihoods and health of 65 million citizens’.

‘We are grateful to Patricia P Tursi, Ph.D.  Springfield, MO for bringing to our attention these crucial official numbers which have been collected each week of 2020 by Public Health England (PHE)’.

‘It shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the pandemic narrative peddled for the last nine months by politicians (in cahoots with the mainstream media) is gross misrepresentation and exaggeration’.

‘As Patricia P Tursi, Ph.D writes:’

‘We are told by various Government puppets and the MSM propaganda machine  of the scary totals every day. This information is on the UK Government website right in plain sight. See here:          

‘Notifiable diseases: weekly reports for 2020’

‘Analysis of data for statutory notifications of infectious diseases (NOIDS) in England and Wales in 2020’.

‘This will shock you’.

‘Click  the link above, then open each weekly report to see the Covid weekly infections, not cases, not deaths. It is the law that these statistics must be given to Public Health England’.

‘This is the statement on the site: Registered Medical Practitioner in England and Wales have a statutory duty to notify a Proper Officer of the local authority, often  the CCDC (Consultant in Communicable Disease Control), of suspected cases of certain infectious diseases’.

‘The first Infection was reported in week 10, so we have now had 41 weeks’.

‘In black and white these are the true facts’.

‘The total number of people that have had a Covid infection in England and Wales is……’


‘Now  living in Lincolnshire I checked out how many have been infected, the  total is 47, I live in an area called South Holland, infections for the  area in 41 weeks?  FIVE’.

Now we are being told Peterborough is the epicenter of infections, well Peterborough has had a total of 4 in 41 weeks, in fact, that is the  whole of Cambridgeshire, just FOUR’.

Norfolk and Suffolk have been put in tier 4, but there have had a grand total of ZERO infections between them’.

Let’s move on to Wales’

‘In 41 weeks a total of ZERO Infections have been reported. I found this strange considering the dictatorship like restrictions they have. So I visited NHS Wales, thinking they must be on their website,’

‘NO, nothing’.

‘First Minister of Wales Drakeford (photo, right) has taken the Welsh business community to the edge of destruction, over obfuscated figures, driving insane policy decisions masquerading as law, whilst passing on the cost to businesses’.

‘We  are being lied to, it’s there is Black and White. Check it out for yourselves, find the town city or county you live in and see how many you can find’.

‘Decide for yourselves which course of action to take’.


‘Did You Spot the Bait and Switch?’

It seems all the media talk is about ‘cases, cases’ and you can be forgiven for not noticing that politicians and the mainstream media never mention the real medical statistic: infections’.

For some insight into the trickery being intentionally inflicted on a scientifically-illiterate public there is a helpful article in The Spectator (September 14, 2020) titled ‘What does a case of Covid-19 really mean’.

‘The article is written by two ‘heavyweights’ – Carl Heneghan, professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford and director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and co-author, Tom Jefferson, a senior associate tutor and honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford’.

No there’s no official data I’m aware of, I can only tell you my experience Note 4 of the 8 deaths in England of children who tested positive during the first wave died of something other than covid (link, link).

There are media reports of younger people dying of covid with ‘no underlying health issues’. Scientifically this is false. Unless every covid death is followed by a full autopsy & forensic toxicology tests, & correlated with age, height, weight, BMI, diet, lifestyle, etc,.. 1/2 (link).

…there is no way anyone can be sure that there were no other health issues. Low blood pressure, high cholesterol, minor blood deficiencies, diabetes, etc, can be present without the person knowing & without any outward signs. Being overweight can be enough to qualify. 2/2 (link).

New Covid variant does not cause more severe illness, study shows (link).

Over one-third of Americans believe the media exaggerated the threat of the Chinese coronavirus, although 50 percent approve of the media’s overall coverage, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found. (link).

We need to show the other 50 percent that this is a false narrative.

Princess Royal Hospital, Bromley. Friday evening, New Year’s Day 2021. #tier4lockdown ICU unit & operating theatres – spare beds – silence (sound on!) – empty corridors. *THREAD* #filmyourhospital #filmyourhospitals #COVID19 (link).

China are back to normal because their case definition always includes at least 2 clinical manifestations.  That’s the science of public health. Our definition only requires a positive result from a test which is fundamentally flawed in multiple ways. (link).

Mainstream media, what is happening in Linz (Austria)? (link).

Mainstream media, what is happening in Paris (France)? #GiletsJaunes (link).

My 7 year old boy is ace when we have to go shopping in the supermarket he now pretends its a game and says “dad lets go to zombie land” that keeps me going throughout this total farce of a virus with 99.97% recovery (link).

Fact of day 321: In 1965, the Sugar Industry effectively bought off scientists ($48,900 in 2016 dollars) to suppress data showing sugar contributed to heart disease and, instead, vilify dietary fat (link, link).

Sen. Bernie Sanders: “Do you want to talk about socialism for the rich, Mr. Majority Leader? Under that bill, Charles Koch, one of the very richest people in America, he has a net worth of $113 billion. That bill gave Mr. Koch a $1.4 billion tax break.” (link).

The Dead Zone: Giuliani says election counted ‘10,315 people’ in obituaries (link).

‘Tells Georgia lawmakers it’s ‘pretty tough’ for dead people to vote’

Just like the 14,000 dead voters in Wayne county, Michigan, another battleground state.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Isabel Barradell
    Jan 04, 2021 @ 23:41:35

    No comment to make just yet thanks.


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