Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-06-29. Pfizer confidentiality agreements to conceal, suppress, & omit material facts. 400 NZ Deaths, one jabber

First off, my pronouns are still ‘kiss my ass’.

Sir Christopher Chope MP, Andrew Bridgen MP and Esther McVey MP have my full support in exposing the harms being done by the experimental mRNA injection allegedly against so called COVID-19. To those MPs who are not supporting him, we will remember and you also will not be able to plausibly claim deniability.

Regarding the UK anti-terror police who detained UK journalists Johanna Ross, Vanessa Beeley and Kit Klarenberg, I consider them to be traitors for following illegal orders.

James Cleverly MP, former foreign minister invokes terror gag over High Court case where he has been named as defendant – does this merit deselection by his constituents?

Given that the recent undercover video of a BlackRock employee claimed that his employer buys politicians, I’d like to know how many of the 650 Westminster MPs have been bought by BlackRock?

The Westminster Parliament should concern itself with what is going with the United Kingdom, not what is going on with Ukraine or with Israel.

(At time of this blog post) 2112 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1483 Dead, After COVID Shot (link).

‘It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause’.

‘The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

‘So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. Many of those die – more than 50%’.

‘That is the current list … all these athletes have suffered heart problems after COVID shots. At the time of initial writing, 28 died. That was not normal, but then, 10 days later, 56 deaths were listed, and the numbers are climbing. Any other real vaccine would have been pulled off the market long before now. The media would be asking questions. They would be pressuring governments. But they are not. And governments are continuing on and running TV and radio and newspaper ads encouraging people to get their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th shot.  Perhaps that is why the mainstream media are saying little, because they are collecting government money for ads?’

‘The deaths and severe reactions will continue until so many people die that it becomes obvious the shot is 10x to 100x worse than the virus it is supposed to treat’.

‘These athletes are the canaries in the mine that warn us of imminent danger. They are being hidden so the people who are not paying attention do not see the warning’.

‘We only see the athletes because they are in the spotlight. The nobodies – i.e. most citizens – do not make the news’.

I think we need VAR on all these athlete collapses.

Novak made it onto the naughty list while avoiding making these post-jab lists.

CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines (link, link).


‘CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults’.

‘There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis’.

As of 15 Oct, 2020, Only poisoned monkey kidney cells ‘grew’ the SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’. SARS-CoV-2 non-infectious in CDC lab and of 30k genome, found 37 then computed the rest, which makes it 99.9987% a unicorn (link).

This is a question of the virus not having been shown to exist, it is not a question of the virus not existing – I trust that everyone is fully aware of the distinction between the two.

Great Barrington Declaration – Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert (link).

‘As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection’.

At the time of creating this blog post there were the following 3 sets of signatories.

876,281 concerned citizens.

16,129 medical and public health scientists.

47,723 medical practitioners.

It’s really, really simple: shelter the vulnerable from the infectious while the rest of us get on with living our lives.


Up to 6 times the “safe” limit for carcinogenic Titanium Dioxide present in masks. Take this info and use it to create parents rights groups to fight the school mandates. (tweet).

Fauci’s NIH now lists IVERMECTIN as an antiviral therapy to treat COVID. The most recent study in Brazil of 88,012 people found Ivermectin cut the chance of COVID death by 92%. Now’s a good time to think about the censorship, pharmacy bans on it and hate people got for using it. (tweet, website).

World Doctors Alliance (link).

An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity’.

WDA represents a diverse range of opinions of health care professionals and does not have a consensus of opinions on the origin of covid-19 or the political ramifications of the lockdown per se. WDA is however committed to debate the causes of harm resulting from the coronavirus act measures and to raise issues that expose harmful medical and life limiting practices detrimental to the well being of all living men women and children’.

Prof Dolores Cahil, Dr Mohammad Adil, Dr R Zac Cox, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Heiko Schoning, Dr Heinrich Fiechtner, Dr Scott Jensen, Elke De Klerk, Dr Mikael Nordfors, Dr Hilde Smet, Dr Vernon Coleman and Dr Johan Denis.

WDA’s open letter raises questions on the following topics.

Collateral damage the cure is worse than the virus, Death certificates (1), Economic ruin, Censorship, Testing – False positives, Hydroxychloroquine, Prevention, ‘Vaccine’, Conflicts of interest, Cui bono? Who benefits?

Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan has extracted the main points from Kansas Attorney General’s lawsuit against Pfizer, and they’re damning.  1. Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the U.S. Government and others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, including the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.  2. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data – the study was repeatedly delayed, including a delay from January 2023 to February 2024 because of a late vaccination of a single study participant (out of 44,000 participants).  3. The FDA did not immediately make the safety and effectiveness data for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine available, claiming it would take 55 years, but a federal judge forced them to release 55,000 pages per month rather than 500. 4. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group once the FDA approved emergency use authorization in December 2020. 5. In its press release announcing the emergency use authorization, Pfizer did not disclose that it had excluded immunocompromised individuals from its COVID-19 vaccine trials. 6. Pfizer knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis. 7. By March 2021, the United States military and Israel’s Ministry of Health detected a safety signal for myocarditis. 8. In August 2021, after Pfizer obtained FDA approval through emergency use authorization to provide its COVID-19 vaccine to 12-15-year-olds, Pfizer decided to study “how often” its vaccine may cause myocarditis or pericarditis in children by testing 5-16-year-olds for troponin I. 9. Pfizer also detected a safety signal relating to strokes. The FDA’s and CDC’s “surveillance system flagged a possible link between the new Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and strokes in people aged 65 and over,” and an FDA study found that individuals 85 years or older who received both a flu vaccine and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine “saw a 20% increase in the risk of ischemic stroke.” 10. Pfizer’s knowledge of a safety signal for increased fatalities. In February 2021, Pfizer’s adverse events database contained 1,223 fatalities after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. 11. Pfizer only tested the booster shot on 12 trial participants who were in the 65- to 85-year-old age range and did not test it on any participant older than 85. 12. Pfizer did not publicly release adverse event data from its database. By February 28, 2021, Pfizer’s adverse events database contained 158,893 adverse events from 42,086 case reports, including 1,223 fatalities, although Pfizer did not make causality findings. Pfizer was receiving so many adverse events reports that it had to hire 600 additional full-time staff and expected to hire more than 1,800 additional resources by June 2021. Pfizer had such a backlog of adverse events that it might take 90 days to code “nonserious cases.” Pfizer did not know “the magnitude of under-reporting. 13. Pfizer announced a study on pregnant women but omitted the fact that more than one in ten women (52) who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported a miscarriage, many within days of vaccination. Six women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported premature deliveries; several babies died. 14. Pfizer’s February 18th, 2021, press release also did not disclose other adverse effects on the reproductive systems of women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. By April 2022, Pfizer knew of tens of thousands of adverse advents connected to its COVID-19 vaccine, including heavy menstrual bleeding (27,685), menstrual disorders (22,145), irregular periods (15,083), delayed periods (13,989), absence of periods (11,363) and other reproductive system effects. 15. Pfizer’s study on pregnant women failed. They destroyed the placebo control group, and the results were kept secret. 16. Pfizer misrepresented and concealed material facts relating to the durability of protection provided by its COVID-19 vaccine. 17. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission even though it knew it had never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission. 18. Despite admissions by Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla and Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb that Pfizer did not know if its vaccine prevented transmission, Dr. Bourla warned Kansans on multiple occasions that not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would affect the lives of those around them, thus implying that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine prevented transmission. 19. Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims. On July 19th 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed social media companies had an “obligation” and an “affirmative responsibility” to prevent the spread of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on their platforms. Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla called people who spread misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines “criminals” who have “literally cost millions of lives.” 20. Pfizer worked to conceal and suppress material facts. On August 24th, 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb contacted Twitter to complain about a column written by Alex Berenson that criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci. On August 27th, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb had a conference call with Twitter employees to discuss Mr. Berenson. Twitter banned Mr. Berenson the next day. Dr. Gottlieb also contacted Twitter about removing posts related to natural immunity, which “Twitter later slapped with a misleading label and blocked the ability to like or share the tweet.” The full article is linked below. (tweet).

400 Deaths in New Zealand linked to One Vaccinator ‼️ (tweet).

This is Justice Helen Roffe. She allegedly failed to disclose her connections to Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry before dismissing an important case, to Pfizer’s advantage, in a decision handed down on March1, 2024, in Australia. The case? In Re Dr Julian Fidge v Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd & Anor, injunctions were sought against the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna on the basis that they failed to apply for necessary licences to deal with Genetically Modified Organisms in Australia, pursuant to the Gene Technology Act 2000 (Cth) (‘GT Act’). Now, read below, to see what scientist David Speicher has found in Australian Covid mrna vaccine vials, Pfizer and Moderna. (tweet).

THIS IS THE WAY! Corrupt Judges must be exposed. Name & photo. Soon, I will start exposing some of Canada’s most corrupt judges, here in Alberta 4 Judges murdered Sheila Annette Lewis for being unvaccinated. They killed COVID patients. Cancer patients. @ABDanielleSmith #ableg (tweet).

UK Column News – 28th June 2024. London climate action week 22 – 30 June 2024. Among the funders are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, center for global development, center for strategic & international studies, Chatham House, open society foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation. Daniel Sachs Foundation (DSF): the path towards a vital democracy is paved by a new generation empowered to reimagine a shard future. We advance our mission by building new initiatives following a strategy designed for experimentation, agility and collaboration. We call this flexible framework to creating impact ‘funded activism’. We support people and initiatives across Europe to reimagine politics. Our work focuses on enabling people to fully participate in civic and political life, to safely challenge power, and to access accurate, trustworthy information. Across our work, we seek to ensure that technology works for and not against democracy. Stand-off in A&E at William Harvey Hospital in Ashford as patient beds down on own mattress. Apolitical foundation funders: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sigrid Rausing, open societies foundation, WEF Young Global Leaders. Apolitical receives £5 million grant from to train one million civil servants in AI. Partner with Apolitical to build 21st century governments. What is the 100 day cough? UK outbreak explained, including whooping cough symptoms. Shortages of children’s antibiotic means parents are visiting ‘up to 10 pharmacies’ in search for medicine.

(website, odysee, rumble pending, bitchute, brandnewtube pending, restored to youtube pending, not livestreamed on or uploaded onto vimeo).

White fibrous clots being removed from a living vaccine receipient supplied to me via the person the surgeon removing them sent it to Im sure you can hear what he says – it is one of many. (tweet).

🚩 Aaron Siri Shares the Heartbreaking Story of a 12-Year-Old Girl Who Was Seriously Injured in the Pfizer Trial & How the FDA Looked the Other Way  “The FDA did finally ask Pfizer about Maddie de Garay but it was only after somebody who’s very, very wealthy emailed Janet Woodcock…Dr. Peter Marks just goes, oh Pfizer’s paid principal investigator says he ‘doesn’t feel it’s related’…No reprimand to Pfizer, takes no issue with them as far as I can tell.”  @AaronSiriSG  @shdegaray73  @HighWireTalk  @ICANdecide  @RepThomasMassie (tweet).

German CDC Docs Reveal COVID Response Was a Psy-Op To ‘Dumb Down the Public’  The German government has been forced to admit that the COVID response, including mask mandates, lockdowns and social distancing, was a psy-op designed to make the public more compliant to authoritarianism. (tweet, website).

WEF – Humans should be charged for the air we breathe. For a couple of years now the UN has muted the power grab of all natural assets, as the WHO seeks to control all biodiversity, under Agenda 30. This includes the ‘ Corporatisation’ of all food systems, water and oxygen. Lindsay Hooper of the WEF, has blasted humans for  expecting water and oxygen to be “unlimited” and “free.” And that Global elites must put them on the “balance sheet”. Focus 🔥(tweet).

World Economic Forum (WEF) members have begun discussing plans to seize control of all elements of nature that humans rely on for survival such as food, water, and even the oxygen supply.

During the WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists declared that natural systems are finite and must be corporatized. During a Summer Davos panel discussion, WEF speaker Lindsay Hooper blasted members of the general public for expecting water and oxygen to be “unlimited” and “free.” Hooper, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership CEO, argued that food, water, and oxygen are “forms of natural capital” that global elites must put “on the balance sheet.” “We can’t do business on a dead planet,” she warned fellow WEF members gathered for the annual event. Hooper pushed the plan during the panel titled “Understanding Nature’s Ledger.” During the panel, globalists argued that every part of the economy depends on nature. They concluded that in order to “protect” natural systems, unelected corporate elites must “bring nature onto the balance sheet.” “If we’re going to protect natural systems, one of the solutions is to bring nature onto the balance sheet; bring nature into the ways that decisions are made within business to allocate a value to it — to bring it into accounting and financial mechanisms,” Hooper explained. (tweet).

Despite 91% of #Farnborough residents voting against the Pinehurst Hill Side migrant flats it’s going ahead. 346 asylum seekers in flats originally valued at £1,400 rent p/m. It’s massive and as always our local homeless take second place. As your MP I will always tell the public what is happening and prioritise local housing needs 👉 #ReformUK (tweet).

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