Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-06-01. Excess deaths up 11% Feb 2024. Myo/Pericarditis Only Appear A/ jab. 500x amt DNA acceptable to FDA

First off, my pronouns are still ‘kiss my ass’.

Sir Christopher Chope MP, Andrew Bridgen MP and Esther McVey MP have my full support in exposing the harms being done by the experimental mRNA injection allegedly against so called COVID-19. To those MPs who are not supporting him, we will remember and you also will not be able to plausibly claim deniability.

Regarding the UK anti-terror police who detained UK journalists Johanna Ross, Vanessa Beeley and Kit Klarenberg, I consider them to be traitors for following illegal orders.

James Cleverly MP, former foreign minister invokes terror gag over High Court case where he has been named as defendant – does this merit deselection by his constituents?

Given that the recent undercover video of a BlackRock employee claimed that his employer buys politicians, I’d like to know how many of the 650 Westminster MPs have been bought by BlackRock?

The Westminster Parliament should concern itself with what is going with the United Kingdom, not what is going on with Ukraine or with Israel.

(At time of this blog post) 2112 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1483 Dead, After COVID Shot (link).

‘It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause’.

‘The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

‘So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. Many of those die – more than 50%’.

‘That is the current list … all these athletes have suffered heart problems after COVID shots. At the time of initial writing, 28 died. That was not normal, but then, 10 days later, 56 deaths were listed, and the numbers are climbing. Any other real vaccine would have been pulled off the market long before now. The media would be asking questions. They would be pressuring governments. But they are not. And governments are continuing on and running TV and radio and newspaper ads encouraging people to get their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th shot.  Perhaps that is why the mainstream media are saying little, because they are collecting government money for ads?’

‘The deaths and severe reactions will continue until so many people die that it becomes obvious the shot is 10x to 100x worse than the virus it is supposed to treat’.

‘These athletes are the canaries in the mine that warn us of imminent danger. They are being hidden so the people who are not paying attention do not see the warning’.

‘We only see the athletes because they are in the spotlight. The nobodies – i.e. most citizens – do not make the news’.

I think we need VAR on all these athlete collapses.

Novak made it onto the naughty list while avoiding making these post-jab lists.

CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines (link, link).


‘CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults’.

‘There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis’.

As of 15 Oct, 2020, Only poisoned monkey kidney cells ‘grew’ the SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’. SARS-CoV-2 non-infectious in CDC lab and of 30k genome, found 37 then computed the rest, which makes it 99.9987% a unicorn (link).

This is a question of the virus not having been shown to exist, it is not a question of the virus not existing – I trust that everyone is fully aware of the distinction between the two.

Great Barrington Declaration – Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert (link).

‘As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection’.

At the time of creating this blog post there were the following 3 sets of signatories.

876,281 concerned citizens.

16,129 medical and public health scientists.

47,723 medical practitioners.

It’s really, really simple: shelter the vulnerable from the infectious while the rest of us get on with living our lives.


Up to 6 times the “safe” limit for carcinogenic Titanium Dioxide present in masks. Take this info and use it to create parents rights groups to fight the school mandates. (tweet).

Fauci’s NIH now lists IVERMECTIN as an antiviral therapy to treat COVID. The most recent study in Brazil of 88,012 people found Ivermectin cut the chance of COVID death by 92%. Now’s a good time to think about the censorship, pharmacy bans on it and hate people got for using it. (tweet, website).

World Doctors Alliance (link).

An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity’.

WDA represents a diverse range of opinions of health care professionals and does not have a consensus of opinions on the origin of covid-19 or the political ramifications of the lockdown per se. WDA is however committed to debate the causes of harm resulting from the coronavirus act measures and to raise issues that expose harmful medical and life limiting practices detrimental to the well being of all living men women and children’.

Prof Dolores Cahil, Dr Mohammad Adil, Dr R Zac Cox, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Heiko Schoning, Dr Heinrich Fiechtner, Dr Scott Jensen, Elke De Klerk, Dr Mikael Nordfors, Dr Hilde Smet, Dr Vernon Coleman and Dr Johan Denis.

WDA’s open letter raises questions on the following topics.

Collateral damage the cure is worse than the virus, Death certificates (1), Economic ruin, Censorship, Testing – False positives, Hydroxychloroquine, Prevention, ‘Vaccine’, Conflicts of interest, Cui bono? Who benefits?

AUSTRALIAN EXCESS DEATHS UP 11% IN FEB 2024 – BUT THE ABS ARE HIDING THIS FROM THE PUBLIC When the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have changed the way they report Excess Mortality in a manner which hides the ongoing shocking double digit rates of Excess Mortality in Australia – what other conclusion can one reach other than that the once revered ABS is now just another corrupted Canberra swamp bureaucracy protecting the globalists’ interests. ☠️The ABS give a monthly report titled Provisional Monthly Mortality Statistics for “measuring changes in patterns in mortality”. ☠️Traditionally this would report a headline percentage +/-of Excess Deaths for the month (compared the same month the previous year) above or below a baseline – with the baseline calculated from an average of the previous 4 years, however sometimes highly anomalous years have been excluded as not to distort the baseline. ☠️Since the rollout of the Covid injections, especially the start of the boosters, this monthly data has consistently shown a highly alarming double digit rate of excess mortality. This represents a national emergency. Something has gone drastically wrong to have so many more Australians dying. (tweet).

Dear Bill Gates, Tedros & Fauci. How about some sincere condolences for these people mourning their bereaved loved ones. They all DIED because of the COVID VACCINE.  This is just Vienna, Austria – there are identical vigils all over the World happening. Any comment at all? You think you can just ignore it & expect people to shut up & take more of your vaccines? You are mad. (tweet).

BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ Bombshell Report reveals Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear AFTER COVID Vaccination. Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children. “Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote. The study evaluated over 1 million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15. Vaccinated minors were compared to an equal number of unvaccinated, and children who took one dose were also compared to those who took two doses. (tweet).

Billions of People Received a Product That Was Overtly Contaminated: Dr. Ryan Cole. An alarming study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found that there is up to 500 TIMES the amount of DNA molecules that the FDA considers acceptable per COVID-19 vaccine dose. “Two children die from a crib breaking, and that crib is off the market … yet these products are still on the market.” @drcole12 (tweet).

UK Column News – 31st May 2024. Trump rages at verdict as he’s found guilty in historic case. Biased BBC overjoyed at verdict. Independents’ day, 4th July, vote independent. As the west finally realises Ukraine is losing Ukraine slips to number 6 in the BBC headlines. Ukraine is providing increasingly poor untrained troops as ‘cannon fodder’ to prosecute the west’s proxy war. Ukrainian deaths are largely unreported by western media but are now likely to be circa – 400,000 500,000.

(website, odysee, rumble pending, bitchute, brandnewtube pending, restored to youtube, not livestreamed on or uploaded onto vimeo).

Brian Gerrish, Ben Rubin, Debi Evans and guest James Roguski with today’s UK Column News.

Biased BBC Overjoyed At Trump Verdict 

00:33 BBC: Trump rages at verdict as he’s found guilty in historic case

Politico: Trump: ‘I’m a very innocent man

James Roguski Updates On The Ongoing 77th World Health Assembly

04:32 James Roguski (Substack): Final Countdown: A brief outline of the schedule of the final days of the 77th World Health Assembly

World Health Organization (WHO): WHA77

World Health Organization (WHO): World Health Assembly—Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly 27 May—1 June 2024

The Independent: World Health Assembly hopes to reinforce pandemic preparedness after bold treaty project stalls

Covid Jab Mastermind Katalin Karikó: Quality Issues

10:46 World Health Organization (on X): 

Nobel Prize winners Prof Katalin Kariko and The Drew Weissman Lab are awarded by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus with Director-General’s Award for Global Health for their scientific work which have enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against Covid–19

BioNTech: Our Senior Team

The Daily Pennsylvanian: ‘Not of faculty quality’: How Penn mistreated Nobel Prize-winning researcher Katalin Karikó

Nobel Prize: Interview with the 2023 Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine Katalin Karikó on 6 December 2023 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden

B Is For “Become a B-Leader”

17:47 B Lab Global: B Lab Global Site

Wikispooks: Paul Polman

The B Team: Leaders: Paul Polman

The B Team: Our Mission

The B Team: Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz reveal The B Team Leaders and kick-start a Plan B for business

B for Good Leaders: Become a Leader

GOV.UK: Companies House: The B Team Headquarters UK Limited

UK Column Live Event: Sunday 16th June 2024 at 10 am

29:37 Support Independent Journalism from the UK Column with only £5 a month

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UK Column Shop: Shop Home

UK Column event: Live: Sunday, 16th June 2024 at 10 am

The Last American Vagabond: Pathologist Arne Burkhardt’s Final Interview—Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines

UK Column interview: Reclaim your Rights and Control: The Control Group

Featured interview: On the anniversary of his passing: Arne Burkhardt on mRNA vaccines

Event: Tickets Scotland: Bring The Noise Podcast

Event: Sounds Beautiful Festival 2024—27–30 June

BreakPartyPolitics: Use the hashtag #IndependentsDay 

As The West Finally Realises Kiev is Losing, Ukraine Slips To Number Six in the BBC Headlines

35:31 The Canary: Mainstream media IGNORING Boris Johnson hosting Ukraine neo-Nazi unit in parliament

Status-6: Military & Conflict News (on X): 

Wow. Ukrainian drones apparently attacked a Russian Voronezh-DM early warning radar located near Armavir in southern Russia. This site is known as the 818th Separate Radio-Technical Unit (в/ч 41003), and is a part of the 820th Missile Attack Warning Main Center, which is an early warning network against ICBM attack.

Bloomberg: Ukraine Claims Second Hit on Russian Missile Early-Warning Radar

Kyiv Post: Sea Drone Strike Sinking Russian Warships Watched by Global Hawk

Kyiv Post: Ukraine’s HUR Strikes Two ‘Putin Boats’ in Crimea With Magura V5, Sources Say

A New National Purpose From Tony Blair: Harnessing (Harvesting) Data for Health

44:49 Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: A New National Purpose: Harnessing Data for Health

BBC: Tony Blair and William Hague call for digital ID cards for all

Graham Cooke, AMR, The MHRA And Declarations of Interests

51:03 Springer Nature: Is antibiotic resistance “Fake News”?

The Independent: William makes speech calling for ‘urgent’ action on antimicrobial resistance

The Royal Family (2023): Prince William becomes Patron of the appeal to create The Fleming Centre

Imperial College London: The Fleming Initiative: Keeping antibiotics working for the next 100 years

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust:  Fleming Initiative launches a new media network to tackle antimicrobial resistance 

National Institutes of Health (NIH):  BSAC Vanguard Series: Behavioural science and antimicrobial resistance 

GOV.UK: Professor Graham Cooke

GOV.UK: MHRA Board Declarations of Interest—February 2024 (PDF)

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): GSK to become a founding partner of Fleming Initiative to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

MHRAgovuk (YouTube): MHRA Board Meeting March 2024

GOV.UK: Policy on Declaring and Managing Interests for Members of the MHRA Unitary Board (PDF)

New Statesman (2022): Sally Davies: “Anti-microbial resistance could kill us before the climate crisis does”

GOV.UK: Professor Dame Sally Davies

When the Director General Tedros of The World Health Organisation who pushed Covid Vaccines to “save millions of lives” didn’t take the Vaccine himself – perhaps you should start asking obvious questions. And yes millions upon millions of vaccines have now been disposed of, so they did have plenty. (tweet).

SCOTLAND – Covid inquiry has confirmed Hospitals were never overwhelmed and were half empty. This woman was arrested & charged after filming her empty hospital, to expose the lies. They needed to shut her up in case you found out. And now you have. (tweet).

The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans… It was because Trump misclassified a $130,000 payment for a porn star’s NDA. Tells you everything you need to know. (tweet).

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job. 1. “The judge donated money… in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation.” 2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.” 3. “Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process.” 4. “The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever.” 5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and “electroshocked them back to life” by alleging the falsification of business records was committed ‘with intent to commit another crime.’ 6. “Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial.” 7. “In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else.” 8. “The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.” (tweet).

⚠️From Home Bargains to Southern Co-op, shops across the UK have been using live facial recognition surveillance. We asked shoppers if they’re happy with their faces being scanned by this Big Brother tech. Turns out nobody likes getting their faceprints taken whilst shopping. (tweet).

🚨🇺🇦 Inconvenient Ukraine Truths. “Before the war Ukraine was known for human trafficking, child trafficking, organ trafficking, narcotics trafficking trafficking, biological warfare labs, fascism & Nazism”. “These are all poisons that effect the entire world”. Listen to Steven Seagal drop truth bombs on Ukraine. So just remember when your tax money is being spend on bombs & tanks in the name of ‘democracy’ it is anything but.  Politicians know all this yet they continue to gaslight the public over Ukraines true nature, the whole country is a proxy playground for the corrupt deep state elite. (tweet).

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